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Số người truy cập: 1867
Số số người Online: 1


Nhat Lo Phat office design


Locating in Vinaconec building , Nhat Lo Phat is one of the best company about equipment excavator bulldozers and heavy equipment . Moreover, they also provide sea-shipping services for domestic enterprises. With the modul 20 people , Company required design an office in the campus of a middle-class apartment . Because of being apartment , The layout has a bit limited, such as the breaking of walls is not allowed, which makes the room you are limited in the available campus space. Based on the needs of the investor, architects designed office furniture has the best solution for the department model to suit the operation of the company, 

- Which area Nhat Lo Phat required : 
  • Design office furniture for meeting rooms
  • Design office furniture for reception area
  • Design office furniture for the sales staff and sales staff
  • Design office furniture for outdoor dining
  • Design office furniture for the director room


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